MILLS: Beige Slim Neck Strap


  • $199.00

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  • Crafted from stylish cotton denim with comfortable inner padding layer
  • Adjustable length to suit your wearing habits - Neck or Shoulder.
  • Full compatibility with all kinds of camera

Colour: Beige


  • Main Fabric: Cotton Denim
  • Inner Lining: Polyurethane Suede


  • Length: 70cm approx. (pattern part)
  • Width: 1.9cm approx. (pattern part)
  • Thickness: 0.35cm approx. (pattern part)

Weight: 45g

 * Photos shown here are for reference only. Size & volume etc. are approximate only. 


An Ode to Simplicity

MILLS: Beige Slim Neck Strap is a minimalist piece of work for your photography life. Instead of a trendier of-the-moment design, MILLS gets back to basics. It embraces brand’s signature classic and timeless look which is perfect for every occasion, featuring a streamlined and polished design with a neutral monochromatic palette. Crafted from stylish cotton denim with comfortable inner padding layer, MILLS highlights the soft beige appearance to keep your life simple but chic. Accessory to go with your minimalist clothing. Versatile in its carrying options. Adjustable length to suit your wearing habits - Neck or Shoulder.


Back To Basics

MILLS 米白相機背帶奉行極簡主義,引領我們的攝影生活回到最原始的形態。MILLS 柔和素雅的米白純色設計完美呈現在精選的純棉牛仔布面料上,布料的線條紋理襯托出簡潔美的概念。MILLS 不但沒有隨波逐流的快時尚風格,更突顯品牌一貫的簡潔美學。

Accessories to Go with Your Minimalist Clothing

MILLS 方便你在生活日常裡背著照相機出走,隨街拍攝,純色簡約設計讓你非常容易襯搭各類型的衣著,尤其是極簡的風格。

Comfortable Padded Inner

MILLS 具有三層設計,除了採用純綿淨色牛仔布製作表面層,MILLS 配有柔軟的緩衝墊內層,舒緩攝影者背著照相機時肩頸部位承載的壓力,而且底層挑選手感柔軟細膩的超纖皮絨,製作出貼近頸背的舒適底層,貼心照料隨心快拍的攝影者,讓他們長期背著照相機,也能擁有更舒適愜意的街拍時光。

Two-in-One Design: Neck & Shoulder

MILLS 備有體貼的兩用設計,方便我們隨著個人喜好與搭配,隨時隨地自由調節相機帶長度,改變揹帶方式,頸揹或斜背亦可。




ETERNAL PASSENGER is a camera accessory brand originated from Hong Kong. We are your perfect daily companion that represent the interpretation of perennial style. In pursuit of compact and timeless design and quality details in every aspect, we serve all passengers with aesthetic but functional camera accessories.

We believe photography is the way to document the beauty of our passing surroundings - times, places, peoples, things… People come and go. Memories say hello! In the end, we are all passengers. Let us be unaware of where the sun is and oblivious to the passage of time.

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